Wednesday, October 9, 2024


"Our Environment. Our Future.", it is the theme for the environmental month this year 2024. Based on the theme my perception is it indicates that having a clean and tidy environment will lead the environment to have a brighter future and for the well-being of future generations.


When we visited Abra I noticed that the trees in some mountains are running out because of those illegal activities such as illegal logging, that's why we need to plant more trees for the sake of our environment and for human beings.

The unity in cleaning our surroundings can help to keep the environment healthy and to avoid risk of diseases, mitigate climate change, and it is essentials for the healthy future.


Sunday, October 6, 2024



My Reflection this Quarter of the School Year:

          This first quarter I learned in different ways such as personally and academically through lessons, discussions, and school works. In my subject ICT this first quarter I learned from it how to create a blog account and blog details, and I also discovered some things about the internet, on how it started and who are the people behind those creations, and also the aspects of the internet such as; protocols, websites,web browsers,emails, search engines and social media, some of these stayed but the rest I can no longer remember about it, because I have a short term memory lost. This school year it was the first time that I created a blog for our ICT that's why I'm still trying to learn and improve everything for me to make a better blog post to publish every time that we have an activity in blogging. Personally I discovered that my study habits last school year were still my study habits this school year which I need to improve for academics and for myself.

There are some problems and challenges that I have encountered in this first quarter of the school year. In making a blog post that we need to put pictures on, the challenge there is we can't put the images on where we want to put it. When we are using a phone  in making a blog with pictures I can't insert some photos, and it is hard to edit and type texts. Also the challenges that I experienced and encountered again are having activities from different subjects while their deadlines are at the same time. Furthermore, my problem to my self is having bad study habits like cramming every schoolworks which affect me and my academics, and being lazy to study for exams and quizzes. Also having a lot of schoolworks affects my mental health sometimes, because there was a times that I don’t know  how to manage everything.

I tried to address these challenges through the help of my classmates/friends by asking them how to do it, and by searching on social media about it. In making those activities from different subjects I tried to manage it by finishing them on time and to pass them when the deadline comes, and finish all of those as fast as possible to pass it before the deadline. Moving on, I will do my best to improve and change everything wrong about me, and make my study habits better for me to graduate with good grades. I know improving takes time and effort but I will still try to do everything that I can do for my academics by managing my study schedule, and setting my goals for the future. I need to motivate myself on my own  because no one could do it for me, and I will be patient in improving and making myself better to see positive results.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Leaders and Heroes of Students

Teachers, they shape the knowledge of every student,

With patience, and kindness of the heart.

Teachers, our heroes and leaders,

Guiding every student with gentle words.

In their hands, our futures lie,

With their and lessons, we learn to fly.

With their guide, students will reach so high,

Our guiding teachers, shining so bright.

Our teachers, our leaders,  with bright passion,

They build a brighter future for students from every discussion.

They challenge each student to reach for more,

To discover their knowledge and explore.

Big thanks, to those teachers who impart,

The knowledge, a treasure for the heart.

Let us honor, our leaders, heroes, and second parents,

Who sacrifices for their students.


Challenges that will pave the path of resilience and prosperity in the Philippines

Philippines faces multiple challenges which can delay a lot of progress that is have to be done for the sake of our economy. Then up until now, Philippines is a very problematic country with regards to different matters such as problems in politics, crisis, failing of growth
economy, and other instances, especially those natural disasters that we are facing that can affects our lives. As we are facing a different types of natural disasters like typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, it has a devastating impact in our country, because they can be a reason why people and animals loss, a lot of damaged infrastructures, delayed economic activities, and increases poverty. 
Thus, to prevent or reduce the risk of disasters, the government agencies of the Philippines and with the help of citizens in locals government needs to prioritize disaster preparedness, risk reduction, and climate change adaptation strategies to mitigate the impact of these events. It includes early warning systems, community based disaster preparedness programs, and other action that people can take for their safety. 

We must help each other to overcome those problems that we are facing in times of crisis, there are some ways for us to do in solving those weaknesses when we are experiencing challenges from natural disasters; we can plan a disaster preparation such as  promoting public awareness, identifying vulnerabilities, and develop comprehensive plans, also in disaster recovery by helping each of citizens who are partially damage, supporting them psychologically, and prioritizing reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, and especially the building of resilience by cooperation. Through those plans and actions we can significantly reduce the impact of natural disasters and create more resilient communities.

Despite these challenges yield by natural disasters, you can still see the faces of filipino smiling while facing those calamities, Philippines is becoming stronger because those natural disasters are the ways for every citizens to make a unity and build a strong community. By facing and solving those challenges every time that there’s a problem here we can prove that every filipinos are becoming stronger, because those challenges are the way for being stable. Unity in times of disaster also shows the stability of the country systems, and community based disaster preparedness programs, and also the cooperation of all the citizens can provides hope for everybody that we can better mitigate impacts and build a more resilient and sustainable country.


Letter for President Bong Bong

 August 29,2024

The Honorable Ferdinand Romualdes Marcos Jr.

President of The Philippines 

MalacaƱang Palace

Jose P Laurel Sr.,San -Miguel,Manila,Metro Manila

Dear Mr. President:

I would like to express what I want to say about you and a deep concern about the happenings along our country, and also the changes since you become the president of the Philippines. From the very start I'm expecting and I believe there will be a lot of positive changes for our country. I, as a citizen in this country my desire is just to live a peaceful and prosperous that's why I'm writing this letter, for you to be aware that we want a better county. 

I know that you are doing your responsibilities for our country, and I am very thankful that you are there to manage those problems that we are facing in our country. My concern is about territorial disputes which is the conflict in west Philippine Sea ,I hope you'll let peace remain in the country but don't let foreign have our territories so you need to fight for our territory. I wish we can solve those problems in our country. Because I believe that we can overcome these challenges and build a brighter future for all filipino. Thank you for everything that you have done for our country.

Thank you in advance for your time in reading this letter.


Ashley Amano


Present And Future of Mine

I'm Ashley Amano, but you can call me Lei, 15 years old born on March 27,2009, and I live in Don Lorenzo Querubin, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur with my happy family. My favorite color is gray and I love playing volleyball. I am studying at Ilocos Sur National High school, I belong to Special Mathematics Class and a graduating student of junior high this school year 2024-2025. I can describe my self as a lazy person but I’m still doing my responsibilities as a student and a daughter, and I know that I'm a slow learner but I'm willing to learn. Thus I'm here at Special Mathematics Program because I want to learn in different ways and more advance, even though sometimes it's tiring to study I still need to do it for my future. Furthermore, going to school is fun because I can have the chance to be with my friends and make fun with them.

In addition, at school I have circle of friends and I'm so thankful that they are my classmates. I can't believe that we will be moving up to senior high next school year because it seems like just when we were in grade 8 and now we are graduating already. I can't describe how I feel as a grade 10, but I'm excited to graduate and proceed to senior high to experience the journey of being a senior high student. As I've said a while back we are graduating students, so all we need to do is to enjoy our last year of being a junior high. Moreover, I'm excited at the same time sad because after this school year my friends will no longer be my classmates anymore, we have a different paths  to take and we have our own ambition or goal to achieve. For now I will be focusing in the present to make a happy memories with my friends and love ones for the future, I and my friends will assure that we'll be enjoying this school year so we can make a lot of memories.

In the future i will be a policewoman, because after graduating in high school I'm planning to enter the path to be a cadete, because it is my dream; to be a part of the academy in college which is the PNPA. Although there's a lot of rumors that this course is not easy I'm still dedicated to achieve this dream and goal of mine. When I will be graduated in academy I will be the first cadete and Police lieutenant of our family. I' am dedicated to pursue this ambition because I want to help and serve my fellow countrymen, also to reach the expectations of my family and to give them a prosperous life. Thus, to achieve my aspiration I'm doing my best to finish my education for me to have a successful life in the future.

School Year 2024-2025 3rd Quarter Reflection

This 3rd Quarter of the school year I learned and I experienced things that I did not experienced at the early time of my high school life. ...