This 3rd Quarter of the school year I learned and I experienced things that I did not experienced at the early time of my high school life. In ICT, I experienced to code and it was fun, I enjoyed having those coding activities that our teacher giving to us. I learned some HTML tags that I can share to my friend because he is IT student and he asked for help so I will be able to help him. I also enjoyed exploring about the tags, I discovered that by coding at the notepad we can create a different type of list and paragraphs by simply using a HTML tags. In our CBR, it was the first time that we conducted a research by asking officials in our community. It was also my first time to gather information by visiting a place to search.
By doing the task and activities in notepad I experienced difficulties, sometimes the code was not be able to work or there are errors that can ruined the outcome of my activity. Also the quiz in coding, it was so difficult for me to make it work I the trial and error but it’s still hard to finish it perfectly. With regard to our CBR we experienced a challenge, we are challenged in finding people who knows the informations that we need to have. While we are conducting our research we faced a problem, because the day we planned that we are going to ask the people in our municipal hall who knows the information that we want to get, it was holiday no work at all and no one is available to ask.
I over come these challenges and difficulties by simply having a patient. In HTML I did all my best to finish the activities, I try and try until it works, and sometimes I’m asking my seat mate on how to do the activity or how can I make it work. To the CBR, there are people who helped us to conduct it and a person who provide details on how and where we can find the information that we are going to put on our research. Moving on, I will continue exploring the things that I do not know yet. I’ll overcome every challenges that I will be facing, because I know that these challenges can help me to learn new things and it is one of the way for me to be a successful