Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Community-Based Research Journey

We conducted our Community-based Research and these are the documentations while we are doing it. We enjoyed although there are some difficulties and challenges that we faced before we finished our CBR. 

     At the first day, we are tried to find some details on how could we start or conduct our research, and we are also gathering informations about our topic, and making questions for us to conduct it easily when we are going to interview the people in our community.

      While we are conducting our research we faced a problem, because the day we planned that we are going to ask the people in our municipal hall who knows the information that we want to get, it was holiday no work at all and the office of municipal hall is closed. But, we don’t want to waste the time so we just decided to visit every monuments in our community to get informations from it by the help of the SK  and official in our barangay. We thank our SK because he helped us to gather information about our research and concern.

    At the same day, we went to museum in Vigan for us to collect more informations about our beloved Elpidio Quirino. We went to the museum because we know that we can gather some information there to add on our CBR, it is the only way for us to finish and provide more information on our research.   Although we crammed and we only finished it before the deadline our research is done very well.

  Over all, we made it very well and submitted it without any error or anything wrong that we need to correct. Although we faced and experienced difficulties, we still enjoyed and finish the task. It is the first time that we gather information in conducting research by interviewing and to visit a place to search informations.

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