Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The 2024 Indigenous Peoples Month

          The Indigenous Peoples Month and 27th Year Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA),this aims to promote and Protect Indigenous Rights.  Based on my research the celebration of 2024 Indigenous Peoples Month and the 27th commemoration of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997, the NCIP is gearing up to deepen the country’s awareness and understanding of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples.With the theme, “Mga Katutubo at Katutubong Dunong: Pahalagahan, Pangalagaan at Parangalan” or “Valuing, Nurturing, and Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Knowledge,” the month-long festivity underscores key areas that identifies ICCs/IPs, specifically their contributions in agriculture and food security; their culture and customs and traditions woven in their natural environment and ancestral domains; their roles as stewards of our country’s land and seas; and their leadership role in nation building.

         The cultural preservation that showcase traditional practices, music, dance, and art. It is also for awareness campaigns such as conducting a documentaries, forums, and discussions on indigenous issues. And in advocating for policies protecting indigenous rights. The inclusivity and recognition in integrating indigenous knowledge for incorporate traditional practices into modern education, and language preservation that promotes indigenous languages, and also in cultural exchanges like inter-community dialogues. Furthermore in addressing historical injustices we should reconciliate initiatives such as addressing past human rights violations, land rights to protect ancestral domains, and also the social services for them to access healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities.

      This celebration honors the contributions of indigenous peoples to Philippine society, promoting unity, recognition, and protection of their rights. In celebrating Indigenous Peoples Month, we honor their contributions and resilience of their communities, we recognize the importance of cultural diversity, advocate for social justice and equality, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. Thus, we should encourage all Filipino to join this celebration, although we're not belong the indigenous peoples.


Resiliency of Filipinos due to effect of Climate change

         Climate change has significantly impacted the Philippines. The following are the reasons why climate change occurs; increased carbon emissions from industrialization, transportation and energy consumption contribute to global warming, widespread deforestation for agriculture, urbanization and logging reduces natural carbon sinks and other illegal activities that is affecting our planet. Climate-related stresses the impact of agricultural productivity. Filipinos' resilience amidst climate change is remarkable. Addressing these challenges requires collective action, balancing economic development, environmental protection and social justice. Effective governance, community engagement and sustainable practices will help mitigate climate impacts.

Because of climate change the strong successive typhoons entered the country. Due to consecutive typhoons here in the Philippines especially in Luzon, a lot of Filipino were affected. Successive tropical cyclones have severely impacted the Philippines, Cagayan and Batanes are the mainly affected by the typhoon. The typhoons caused widespread damage in the Philippines, thousands of families and children without access to safe water and sanitation facilities based on the news. Based on my research the 11th and 12th tropical cyclones to hit the country this year affected at least 4.2 million individuals approximately 1.3 million of them children and displaced over 300,000. The agriculture also affected especially crops. For the rice production, the damage amounted to P5.93 billion with a production loss of 325,860 metric tons, based on the update of PhilStar. In agriculture Billion pesos were wasted. Several roads, bridges, and schools were also damaged, and the flooding and typhoons lasts for weeks or almost a month which really affects their lives. The typhoon caused major damage to lives and livelihoods, with a significant number of deaths, and made a historical impact.   

           Yet, Filipino remains resilient although we faced a lot of struggle due to calamities. We all know that Filipino are surviving from a lot of calamities and disasters especially on typhoons which is showing how resilience Filipinos are. By cooperations and collaboration or the bayanihan spirit alive, it helps them to build a good and resilient community. Filipinos are known as survivors, a strong fighter in times of calamities. We manage to survive from disappointments, we emerge more strongly and determined to face the challenges. 

References :

Monday, December 9, 2024

Insight on the 2024 National Children's month celebration

The 2024 National Children's month celebration with the theme:Break the prevelence, end the violence: protecting children, creating a safe Philippines 

The theme "Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines" underscores the urgent need to address the pervasive issue of violence against children in the country. This theme serves as a call to action, emphasizing the collective responsibility of individuals, communities, institutions and the government to ensure the safety, welfare and well-being of Filipino children.The Philippines has seen alarming rates of child abuse, exploitation and neglect. The celebration aims to raise awareness about these issues and promote strategies for prevention and intervention.The increasing online presence of children has exposed them to cyber bullying, grooming and other digital threats. The theme highlights the need for safe online spaces and digital literacy.Bullying remains a significant concern in Philippine schools, affecting children's mental health and academic performance.

To prevent this issue we must spread awareness to the public about the prevalence and impact of violence against children, and push for legislation and policy enhancements to prevent and address violence against children. The government should train professionals, educators and community leaders on child protection and violence prevention. To enhanced public understanding of violence against children and its consequences.

The 2024 National Children's Month celebration serves as a reminder that protecting children's rights and ensuring their safety is everyone's responsibility. Let us unite to report incidents of violence against children, and advocate for policy reforms. We can break the prevalence of violence and create a safer, more nurturing Philippines for more better future generations.



 My Reflection this 2ndQuarter of the School Year:

This second quarter I'm so disappointed to myself, because I did not meet my own expectations to myself and I didn't do anything to improve my study habits which I really want it to be better. But it's still not too late to change my attitude and to improve myself to become better. So, this upcoming next quarter I do really want to be more focus on my academics, I'll do my best to meet my own expectations. Because of disruption of classes it leads me to become more lazy in going to school, and it's really affected my academics.

For the next grading period, I will manage my time and learn to train myself to do better for my academics. I will prioritize my assignments and tasks, and learn how to reduce distractions. As a student I need to manage my time for my own sake, for me not having a time management can really affect my life. Thus, I want to force myself to be good and better. Although I'm lazy with regard to my academics I still learned some new things from the activities and other lessons.

In ICT I learned new things such as; the uses of notepad, encoding, uses of tags, and etc.. I enjoyed the days when we are doing our activities in HTML tags, it's fun to learn something new in ICT. HTML activities for beginners, including an activity that teaches how to use attributes to change the personality or actions of a tag, and the introduction to HTML that explains how tags are used to format text, change the typeface, or embolden or italicize are helpful to learn new knowledge in technology or computers. As we learn basic tags for us as a beginners it was fun and amazing experience.

Sunday, December 8, 2024


 RA 8353 (The Anti-Rape Law of 1997)

Anyone can be a rape victim, but the commonly victims of rape is more rampant in women. If a rape violates a person's well being and not just ones virginity of purity, the law considers that any person may be victimized by rape, whether a prostituted person, non-virgin or a person who has an active life. If a person have sexual intercourse with another person under any of the circumstances: through force or threat; through fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; and when the victim is under 12 years of age, even if none of the violation circumstances presented.

Anyone who has knowledge or the victim of the crime may file a case, but make sure that the evidence is safe and intact. This would help should the victim decides to file a case.To help someone who is raped, advise him/her to seek the help of a counselor or a therapist who is an expert in handling cases of sexual abuse, support the victim along the way when she decides to file a case, and especially coordinate with people who can assist or support the victim all throughout.

The penalty varies depending on the act itself and the circumstances surrounding it. Reclusion Perpetua (Imprisonment from 20 to 40 years) is imposed on the offender if rape is committed through sexual intercourse. Prision Mayor (Imprisonment from 6 to 12 years) is imposed on the offender if rape was committed through oral or anal sex or through the use of any object or instrument that was inserted into the mouth or anal orifice of the woman or a man.This may also be elevated to Reclusion Temporal (Imprisonment from 12 to 20 years) or Reclusion Perpetua depending on the circumstances surrounding the crime.

RA 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995)

Sexual Harassment  is committed by any person who having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work or training or education, demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement for submission is accepted or not by the object of said act.

To prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment acts and to provide the procedures for the resolution, and the settlement of sexual harassment in work and educational related. The head shall inform and promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in consultation. The said rules and regulations shall prescribe the procedures for the investigation of sexual harassment cases.

Any person who violates the provisions of the law shall be penalized by imprisonment of not less than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or a fine of not less than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000) nor more than Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000), or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. And any act arising from the violation of the provisions of this Act shall prescribe in three (3) years.


The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 and Rape Victim Assistance and Protection Act of 1998, NCRFW.

Republic Act 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.

School Year 2024-2025 3rd Quarter Reflection

This 3rd Quarter of the school year I learned and I experienced things that I did not experienced at the early time of my high school life. ...