Monday, December 9, 2024


 My Reflection this 2ndQuarter of the School Year:

This second quarter I'm so disappointed to myself, because I did not meet my own expectations to myself and I didn't do anything to improve my study habits which I really want it to be better. But it's still not too late to change my attitude and to improve myself to become better. So, this upcoming next quarter I do really want to be more focus on my academics, I'll do my best to meet my own expectations. Because of disruption of classes it leads me to become more lazy in going to school, and it's really affected my academics.

For the next grading period, I will manage my time and learn to train myself to do better for my academics. I will prioritize my assignments and tasks, and learn how to reduce distractions. As a student I need to manage my time for my own sake, for me not having a time management can really affect my life. Thus, I want to force myself to be good and better. Although I'm lazy with regard to my academics I still learned some new things from the activities and other lessons.

In ICT I learned new things such as; the uses of notepad, encoding, uses of tags, and etc.. I enjoyed the days when we are doing our activities in HTML tags, it's fun to learn something new in ICT. HTML activities for beginners, including an activity that teaches how to use attributes to change the personality or actions of a tag, and the introduction to HTML that explains how tags are used to format text, change the typeface, or embolden or italicize are helpful to learn new knowledge in technology or computers. As we learn basic tags for us as a beginners it was fun and amazing experience.

1 comment:

School Year 2024-2025 3rd Quarter Reflection

This 3rd Quarter of the school year I learned and I experienced things that I did not experienced at the early time of my high school life. ...